
Because you will never know.

Today my Host sister and I went into the centre of Ambato to eat something and to visit my mom in a hair-salon. After we visited our mother we walked around and I asked Cielo if she wants to drink a juice with me and she said yes. So we were walking into the direction of the "mercados", these are 3 markets halls here in Ambato. The biggest one is on one of the main streets and we were really close to this one but then I turned to another direction and Cielo was just like "Hanna where are we going? You just passed the market?" and I responded with "Mall de Frutas" (How we exchangers call the "mercado de frutas"). Cielo didn't know what I was talking about and where we were going and so I walked us to the "Mall de Frutas". In  this place works the mother of Arabellas, a girl from Estonia, dancing teacher and I wanted to buy my jugo there bc it is really good, so we bought it and after that some Ecuadorian food for lunch. After w...

la mitad de mi año

The half of my exchange year is over, in 5 months I will be back in Germany and this year is just a memory. But not just only that, also we are in the year 2018. I am turning 18 this year. I will, hopefully, get my driver license. All of my best friends are going to graduated next year, just I don't. And so much more unbelievable things are about to come. I can't believe how much time had passed by. 162 days are over . 148 left. One of my best friends, I made here, is already back in the US and he is not the only one whose time in another country is over. I can't even imagine being back right now. To be back at home. with my family and my friends.   My Spanish is not good as I wish it would be, I didn't did as much things I wished I had. Still these 162 days were the best of my life and the next are going to be better. That's a promise to myself. I am so thankful for being here, that I was given this opportunity. I mean yeah, making an exchange year is not...

My 1st time out alone

Wednesday, November 22nd  So today was the day... I was out with some other exchangers for the first tme without my host-sister by my side. I know this maybe sounds not as such a big deal but for me it was. Because first my fmily was like: "No puedes salir sin Cielo es peligroso!" What means "You can't go out without Cielo it's dangerous" and I really understand why they were saying this, i mean I don't really speak Spanish and also I just look like a Gringa (someone from the US or an other country) and everyboday is always staring at me and all the cars honk after me. But anyway in Germany my dad was more calm about that and so here I had a little bit the feeling that I am not as "free" I want to be. I mean I didn't even wanted to go out often but still just the knowlege that I always need to go with Cielo but with that I DON'T say that I don't like to go somewhere with Cielo. So to every exchange student out there who maybe...

Strangers become family

During the orientation back in Germany they alwasy told me that I won't just got a new family with my Host Family but also with the other exchangers. To be honest I couldn't believe that because we won't see each other so often and they are strangers for me who didn't even speack German. In total we're 25 teenager who are studying here in Ecuador: 16 are German, 3 from Estonia, 2 are from the US, and the rest are from Danemark, Finland, Switzerland, Sewden, France and Hungary. In the past days 14 of us were in the Amazonian Rainforest (clic here for a video about the trip) but this post is not about my experiences in the rainforest it's about how strangers become family . They are my family. I know them for 2 months know but from face to face we just saw each other for something like 10 days. And eve in that short time I have the feeling to know them for years and that we're friends for yearsbut we aren't. In the last days I realized how importa...

1. Monat / 1st Month

English version below OMG ... kaum zu glauben.. mittlerweile bin ich seit 39 Tagen in diesem fremden Land mit der fremden Sprache. (Und ich lebe noch xD.) In den letzten Wochen ist viel passiert. Wie ich euch ja schon erzählt habe, bin ich in meiner Schule gut angekommen, mir gefällt meine Klasse immernoch sehr und auch die Schule an sich ist echt Klasse. Bis jetzt hatten wir noch keinen Englisch-Lehrer was ich echt schade finde, da englisch echt das einzige Fach hier wäre, in dem ich gute Noten schreiben würde. Aber hey.. ich habe mich damit abgefunden. Manchmal passieren echt komische Sachen in der Schule, z.B. in jeder, also wirklich JEDER , Pause, sagt mindestens eine Person Hola! zu mir die ich noch nie in meinem Lben gesehen habe, geschweigeden mit ihr gesprochen. Aber das ist her echt normal, denn als einziges blondes Mädchen auf der Schule, bin ich nunmal eine kuriosität xD. Oder ein anderes Beispiel: Am Freitag sollten wir alle unsere Sportuniform anziehen, auch wenn...

2 Weeks in my Host Family & first week of school

Two weeks ago, I arrived in my Host Family. I can't belive that I am here for 2 Weeks now.. I mean HOW?! The time passed so fast.. At the one hand I feel like I am being here for months, but on the other hand it feels like 4 days or something like that. I really like my host family , but the most my host sister, cause she is really nice to me and helps me with everything, also I can speak englsih with her. Her englsih is better than the english of the most people here, cause she tooked extra classes after school to learn english. Here you have to do that, If you want to leran real english... I get more used to spanish in the last two weeks, but I am still not really good with it. Also my fisrt school week is over. The name of my school is "Unidad Educativa Ambato" . We didn't really had classes this week, it was more for organize stuff and somethig like that. My classmates are really cool and also I like my school a lot, but it's soooooo different to Ger...

Say Goodbye to start a new life

Now I am finally in Ambato, with my host family. But I will start at the beginnig. Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday, 22nd August: A friend stayed over in the night and in the afternoon we were going to berlin to meet two other friends: Sarah and Tamiah (love ya guys) cause the one just arrived from Namibia (she live there and was an exchange student in my school). For me it was really hard to say goodby to my house, I have no idea why it was just so sad. When we arrived in Berlin and we meet my friends my wallet was stolen.. and with it my money card for Ecuador... I was so angry and was like WHY? After it we had a great time together and and I spend the night in Berlin, cause my flight goes at 6 am in ther morning. My Dad, his girlfriend, my brother, my friend, my uncle, my aunt and my cousin spend the eve together and it was so nice and a good way to say goodbye to everyone. Wednesday, 23rd August: The alarm goes at 3 am, breakfast at 3:30 and the car at 3:50. We arived at the air...