la mitad de mi año

The half of my exchange year is over, in 5 months I will be back in Germany and this year is just a memory.

But not just only that, also we are in the year 2018. I am turning 18 this year. I will, hopefully, get my driver license. All of my best friends are going to graduated next year, just I don't. And so much more unbelievable things are about to come.

I can't believe how much time had passed by. 162 days are over. 148 left. One of my best friends, I made here, is already back in the US and he is not the only one whose time in another country is over. I can't even imagine being back right now. To be back at home. with my family and my friends.  

My Spanish is not good as I wish it would be, I didn't did as much things I wished I had. Still these 162 days were the best of my life and the next are going to be better. That's a promise to myself.

I am so thankful for being here, that I was given this opportunity. I mean yeah, making an exchange year is not not always that easy how a lot of people imagine it to be, but still I wouldn't change anything about it, would not go back in time and stay home instead. Not for all money in the world.

"I really believe if you travelled to a foreign place, met the people there, learned something about the culture, maybe even learned the language or lived in another country, just then you can really realize what kind of human you want to be hand how you want to treat the people around you, the planet you call Home and how to spend the rest of you're life.
Also you're going to realize how important friends are. Not just someone from your class you talk a little bit with. No I mean real friends. Persons you spend a whole nigth just talking or watching something or someone who is just as crazy as you are. And how it can be without them but you are gonna survive it because if you were abroad you learned how to deal with it and how to handle homesickness and how to just get stronger after it. 
And when you are abroad right now and maybe you struggle with that just believe that you're strong enough to do it. I mean YOU got yourself already to where you are standing right now and for that you should be so proud of yourself.
Out there are so many people sitting at home and just telling themself "no I am not a traveller. I could never do it" or "I am to scared to do it. I am afraid to risk something in my life" or " it can be dangerous" or any other excuse they have in mind. 
These people will never know if they are stronge enough to do it and they will never know that eyeryone was at least at one point afraid and scared to death of going/being abroad and that this is a normal thing. It is normal to be scared, but doing scared and doing it anyway is what matters. This will make you stronger and in 20 years you can say about yourself that you did it, that you risked something and that you DON'T have to say, that you wished you did it." - this is a text I posted on my Instagram at the 18th November, 2017 

I don't really feel if I have changed but I can't imagine that I am still completely the same person as I was back in Germany. Living in a foreign culture and family for 5 months is something that changes a person. The reason for this is that "exchange is about learning.. learning how to live". But still, even after 5 months, there are so much more things to discover and to enjoy and I am looking forward to it.

The next tow big things on my list are:
  1. Fiestas de Ambato
  2. Galapagos
La Fiestas de Ambato or Fiesta de la Fruta y las Flores is kind of the Amabato version of Carnival. Amabto is also called as "Tierra de las Flores y las Frutas" (Land of Flowers and Fruits) and so every February since 67 years Ambato has La Fiestas. The first shows started aleardy at 19th of January, 2018 and the last are on 13th of February. During this time I will have the opportunity to see a lot of shows in the Streets, Theatre show, dance shows of the different dancing stiles, typical Ecuadorian presentations, a festival of lights and stars and of course a lot things with fruits and flowers.

 I will go to the Islands of Galapagos from the 24th of February until 5th march, together with mas o menos 20 other exchangers from YFU, include all 5 from #Ambatosquad. I don't know excactly what we are going to do but I know that it's gonna be awesome!
I always wanted to visit these Islands since I was a child and I never thought I would with just 17 years during MY EXCHANGE YEAR in ECUADOR!!!
That's it for the moment. I will be back sooon.

      sobre mi vida en Ecuador.  

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PPS: to find my social media click here. Thanks 

PPPS: I posted some new videos on YouTube and I am very active in my Instagram-Story.


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