My 1st time out alone

Wednesday, November 22nd 

So today was the day... I was out with some other exchangers for the first tme without my host-sister by my side. I know this maybe sounds not as such a big deal but for me it was. Because first my fmily was like: "No puedes salir sin Cielo es peligroso!" What means "You can't go out without Cielo it's dangerous" and I really understand why they were saying this, i mean I don't really speak Spanish and also I just look like a Gringa (someone from the US or an other country) and everyboday is always staring at me and all the cars honk after me.

But anyway in Germany my dad was more calm about that and so here I had a little bit the feeling that I am not as "free" I want to be. I mean I didn't even wanted to go out often but still just the knowlege that I always need to go with Cielo but with that I DON'T say that I don't like to go somewhere with Cielo.

So to every exchange student out there who maybe isn't allowed to go out:
  1. Just try to talk to your Host-Parents and explain them the situation,
  2. Maybe when they still don't really agree, show them that you can drive a taxi alone and that you know how to get there and how to come back to the house.
  3. And this still doesn't worked, wait a little bit and show your parents that you really trying to learn the language of your country and that your able to do something by yourself

So tomorrow is the 23rd of November what means that I am here for 3 month now. How CRAZY is that???? Just think about it. 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Germany it is so cold everyday and it's getting dark really early but here we have something around 20°C and the sun rises at 6am and goes down at 6pm, and so I didn't realized how much time passed by and that it's just 5 weeks till Christmas.

I still know the feeling a few days before the flight went, I was so excited but also so scared at the same time (I wrote a few post about that and in this time so if you want to). And know 3 months are over... To knwe that in just 7 more months I will be back in Germany, in my family, with my dog, my friends and just everything is really strange for me.
At the one hand I don't wanna go ,ever, beacuse it is just amazing here but on the other I miss it to have someone who really loves you around you. It is hard to discribe it, but here we "just" have Host-Families and they aren't our real parenst and siblings.
And also my house here still don't really feel like home. I think it's beacuse it is so different and also beacuse I don't really have so much memories who are conected with this house as with my house in Germany.
But it's getting better and untl know I don't really were homesick, just a few moments but thats normal.

So Today was an amazing afternoon. We, 3 other girls and I, met in a park of ambato and went to have some Ice Cream and after that we went to a house of culture in Ambato to ask for a theater program. And sooooo from next week I will be in a theater group with the other girls and maybe in 2018 also in an art group.
After 3 months I finally go something to do in the afternoon! xD. And of course it's in Spanish. I think this will be very interesting and sometimes I think that I will be frustrated about it but this is a really cool way to improve my spainsh skills.
So we will see how it works.

So that's it right know.

See u.


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